C o m m i t t e d t o p r o v i d e C o m p r e h e n s i v e E x c e l l e n c e i n S l e e p i n g C o m f o r t
Spring Air is a leading and amongst top 10 manufacturers of bedding products in the world specializing in orthopedic beds. Today, our
bedding products are being distributed internationally with plants in USA, Canada, England, Ireland, Australia, Argentina, UAE and
India. We have earned a reputation over the years for continuous product innovation, and now have been delivering total satisfaction to
the retail sector as well as institutional clients in India.
Spring Air Mattresses are clinically proven* to relieve back pain. Its finest quality material, dual performance edge design and various
comfort layers make it the preferred choice for enhanced sleep comfort.
*9 our of/O/vyp/e i/wse Spring Air Afarmss dormer/,bad re/refin n drnica/.s/eep sru/fy evnr/ucrerlt by Stop/ton O'/oba/Tosoan/t, Carrv/ron, Texas
F o u r S e a s o n s
B a c k S u p p o r t e r
Better for Your Back
O r t h o M e d ic a l
Spring air Bedding Company (India) Ltd. Plot No. 37-A, Ecotech II, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida (U.P.)
Tel.: 9711144424, Delhi Marketing Office : 9871514543. E-mail : [email protected]
Channel Partners : • Andhra Pradesh - 9849396888 • Assam -9864012012,9207043238 • Bihar - 9771496795,9430212590 ■
Chhattisgarh - 9329010325 • Delhi - 9711144435 «Gujarat - 9871514543 • Haryana -9953500010* Jharkhand -
9431593301.9430212590 • Karnataka - 9449277009 * Kerala - 9995116698 • M.P. - 9425734818 (Gwalior), 9425109280 (Indore) • Maharashtra - 9029373942.9422515642 • Orissa - 9437162722,9430212590 • Punjab & Chandigarh -
9872095559 • Rajasthan - 9829067518 • Tamil Nadu - 9962235101 * Uttar Pradesh - 9818118369 •Uttrakhand Haldwani 09837021455 *Harldwar : 97200Q8496*Oehradoon : 0135-2743252/3* West Bengal - 9831237711.03340629290
For Trade enquiries please contact: 9711144424,9871514543. For Institutional sales please contact: North & Central: 9711144423. West & South: 9029373942
Tel.: 9711144424, office : +91-120-2351426 / 28, Fax : +91-120-2351427 E-mail : [email protected]
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